PBS Democracy, Civics & Journalism

Empowering & Informing Citizens
With 2024 national elections upon us and the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 2026, there is no better time for Americans to come together. PBS leads the way forward as an authentically non-partisan source of news, information, and stories about our democracy and the people who call America home. The late Gwen Ifill – beloved longtime co-anchor and managing editor of PBS NEWSHOUR and moderator of WASHINGTON WEEK – well understood the relationship between rigorous journalism and the health of our democracy: “Our job,” she said, “is to bring light, not heat, to the conversation.”
By sparking curiosity, supporting civil discourse, and broadening audiences’ worldviews, we put a spotlight on relevant issues and diverse perspectives. Firmly committed to our role as the most trusted voice in media in America, we are seeking new ways to help build a vibrant democracy for future generations of Americans – from national and local townhall conversations and efforts to support local journalism to new educational curricula for children and teens.
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I’m proud to work with such a stellar group of journalists in pursuit of a shared mission — providing reliable reporting, solid storytelling, and sharp analysis of the most important issues of the day.
– PBS NEWSHOUR Co-host Geoff Bennett